

  • 11
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 河北省 衡水 冀州市 冀州镇 和平东路18号
  • 姓名: 王先生
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定



    河北省衡水铭鸿制辊有限公司(原联兴)是胶辊,液体硅胶辊,镜面辊,网纹辊,橡胶套筒、压花辊,弧形辊,喷砂辊,硅胶辊,弯辊,硅胶辊,彩涂辊,酸洗辊,**镜面辊、钢卷涨缩套筒、不锈钢辊,铝导辊,镀铬辊,电镀辊,容器衬胶,逗号辊,刮辊,聚酯胶辊、硅胶辊、液体硅胶辊、fo橡胶辊、三元乙丙胶辊、硅胶辊、丁胶辊、丁晴胶辊、铁龙胶辊、海帕隆(海巴龙)胶辊、铁fo龙胶辊、尼龙胶辊、镜面辊、金属网纹辊、**镜面辊、压花辊、喷砂辊、不锈钢辊、雾面辊、皮革辊、加热辊、冷却辊、逗号辊、铝导辊、钢对钢对压辊、喷砂辊、内凹辊、中高辊、皮革辊等专业辊类生产企业,并提供旧辊包胶、钢辊翻新、新辊订制、实验辊研发、根据数据设计图纸和样辊制作等服务。公司由广东衡兴辊业投资兴建而成,产品涵盖胶辊、五金制辊、橡胶制品和五金配件四大系列,70多个品种500多个型号,加工直径1.5米(1500mm),加工长度10米(10000mm),达到了辊类的一站式采购。公司聘请多名闽台、广州、深圳专业*工程师,并以先进技术、工艺和设备为生产核心,使产品交货、质量优。公司始建于1993年,经过多年发展,逐步建成三个生产基地,是国内规模辊类生产企业之一。 铭鸿制辊有限公司通过多年发展,产品在品质、价格上具有明显的市场竞争优势,多年来竭诚为客户服务,客户遍布全国各省市,部分产品已替代进口产品,并随机出口国外。公司以客户为中心作为企业发展的源动力,把客户的需求贯彻在新品研发、市场销售、产品制造、客户服务等所有企业行为中,并以“品质极限,服务无限”为企业的价值观,把服务也是产品的一部分作为企业全员共识,用优质的产品和诚挚、专业的服务广大客户的信任和支持。 Hebei Province Jizhou Lianxing roller Co., Ltd. is rubber roll, liquid silicon rubber roll, mirror roll, anilox roll, rubber sleeve, embossing roll, arc roll, sand blasting roll, silicon rubber roll, bending roll, silicon rubber roll, color coating roll, pickling roll, super mirror roll, steel roll expansion and contraction sleeve, stainless steel roll, aluminum guide roll, chromium plating roll, container rubber lining, comma roll, scraper roll, polyurethane rubber roll Silicon rubber roller, liquid silicon rubber roller, fluorine rubber roller, EPDM rubber roller, silicon rubber roller, neoprene rubber roller, Dingqing rubber roller, Teflon rubber roller, hipalon rubber roller, Teflon rubber roller, nylon rubber roller, mirror roller, metal anilox roller, super mirror roller, embossing roller, sand blasting roller, stainless steel roller, fog surface roller, leather roller, heating roller, cooling roller, comma roller, aluminum guide roller Steel to steel roll, sand blasting roll, concave roll, medium and high roll, leather roll and other professional roll production enterprises, and provide services such as old roll rubber coating, steel roll renovation, new roll customization, experimental roll research and development, design drawings and sample roll production according to data. The company is invested and built by Guangdong Hengxing roller industry. Its products cover four series of rubber roller, hardware roller, rubber products and hardware accessories, more than 70 varieties and more than 500 models, reaching the one-stop purchase of roller. The company employs more than professional senior engineers from Taiwan, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and takes foreign advanced technology, process and equipment as the production core, so that the product delivery cycle is short and the quality is excellent. The company was founded in 1993, after years of development, and gradually built three production bases, is one of the domestic scale roll production enterprises. Through years of development, Lianxing Roll Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has obvious market competitive advantages in quality and price. Over the years, it has been dedicated to serving customers, with customers all over the country, some products have replaced imported products, and are exported to foreign countries at random. The company takes the customer as the source power of enterprise development, carries out the customer's needs in all enterprise behaviors such as new product research and development, marketing, product manufacturing, customer service, and takes "quality limit, unlimited service" as the enterprise's values, and regards service as a part of the product as the consensus of the whole enterprise, and returns widely with high-quality products and sincere and professional services Trust and support of key customers.
    经营范围 公司主要经营胶辊,液体硅胶辊,镜面辊, 胶辊,液体硅胶辊,镜面辊,网纹辊,压花辊,弧形辊,喷砂辊,硅胶辊,弯辊,硅胶辊,彩涂辊,酸洗辊,**镜面辊,不锈钢辊,铝导辊,镀铬辊,电镀辊,容器衬胶,逗号辊,刮刀辊


    企业经济性质: 外资企业 法人代表或负责人:
    企业类型: 生产加工 公司注册地: 河北/衡水
    注册资金: 人民币 100 - 250 万元 成立时间:
    员工人数: 51 - 100 人 月产量:
    年营业额: 人民币 50 万元以下 年出口额: 人民币 50 万元以下
    管理体系认证: 主要经营地点:
    主要客户: 厂房面积:
    是否提供OEM代加工: 开户银行:
    主营产品或服务: 胶辊,液体硅胶辊,镜面辊,网纹辊,压花辊,弧形辊,喷砂辊,硅胶辊,弯辊,硅胶辊,彩涂辊,酸洗辊,**镜面辊,不锈钢辊,铝导辊,镀铬辊,电镀辊,容器衬胶,逗号辊,刮刀辊